I have been drooling over this Pottery Barn mirror for the last 3 months. I want it, it would look PERFECT above our dresser in the master bedroom BUT i will never buy it. Pottery Barn has amazing things in their cataloge but not for a price i'm willing to pay. can you believe this mirror is $699.00!!!!!! thats right, your eyes arent playing tricks on you. $699.00!!!!! ok so for now i search craigslist and ebay for it at a cheaper price and stalk Home Goods for something similiar. no luck yet... keep your eyes open for me!

i never posted what our Christmas cards looked like this year. If you didnt get one, i'm sorry! so consider this from me to you!
PS: i am now WAAAAYYY bigger than that picture.
awhile back i had bought two picture frames to go on our nightstand in the master bedroom. i loved the price and the look of them but not the BRIGHT stark white color that looked like it was glowing. so i decided i would buy them and give them a spray paint makeover.
i spray painted them in heirloom white and then used some antique glaze paint texture by Ralf Lauren. i painted on the glaze and wiped it off as i went. it looked great! but it had a funny texture that smudged off of the glossy spray paint. so then i decided to spray paint it with a clear matte finish. BAD IDEA!!!!! there must have been some chemical reaction between spray paint and Ralf Lauren glaze because the clear matte spray paint immediately started to eat away at the glaze and make it crackle. but after staring at it for 5 minutes in awe i decided that it kind of added to the look i was going for. the smaller one turned out better because of the amount of detail to the frame, the larger one is still cool looking but not my favorite.
so i decided to organize the pictures on our fridge. i needed to put the new power saw to good use anyway. i bought some scrap wood at home depot and spray painted it back to match our fridge, then sanded all the edges to give it more texture and depth. Once dried i spray painted it again with clear matte spray paint finish (it did not eat away at my base color this time, phew). then i took kitchen clamps and glued them to one side of the wood and glued magnets to the other (fridge side). and 'ta-da' no more fridge chaos. i have 2 more to make but i got tired...
i mentioned before that i had done a remake of a wreath for my front door for Valentine's Day, it finally stopped raining so i could take a picture of it. i had a wood frame that i spray painted black (i know i need to expand my color choices) and took all of the backing out. then i took a styrafoam heart and wrapped it in twine. this takes forever by the way. i added a little bit of red wiring to give it some color. and then i hung the heart with some thick red ribbon.
I LOVE IT! i think i'll change out the heart for a clover for st. patricks day. my neighbors even enjoy it too and have complimented it.
I LOVE IT! i think i'll change out the heart for a clover for st. patricks day. my neighbors even enjoy it too and have complimented it.
I LOOOOOOOOVE that Valentines Day wreath, I'm totally gonna copy you lol. Your picture organizers on your fridge were also a great idea, looks nice! Ill keep an eye out for a mirror like that, its really pretty.