Wednesday, March 10, 2010


i havent updated in awhile and its not because i've been too busy, its because i've been too lazy. it feels like i have ZERO energy these days.

I'm 37 WEEKS!:
- Yikes!
- i've gained 29 pounds (yuck!)
- we have found a pediatrician
- pre-registered at the hospital
- taken birthing classes
- and toured the hospital
- now i feel like i know too much, it makes me more anxious than i already was.
- Break the Barriers threw us a baby shower, i had so much fun and it was awesome to see all the kids i coach and their parents having fun too.  they were so generous.  she is already spoiled!
- i'm considered full term now, so if she was born any time now, her little lungs are good to go!
- i'm done being pregnant, if that makes sense
- i think each week i get bigger, i officially have nothing to wear.
- i wear the same 3 shirts and jeans every day, but i only have 3 weeks left, pointless to buy maternity clothes now.
- i had a check-up with the doctor today, everything is going fine and is still on schedule.
- we did another 3D/4D ultra sound a little after Valentines Day, she looks like a real baby now!
- and she has hair!  woowhoo!
- i cant remember the last time i had a restfull nights sleep, its more like mini naps all night long. i'm sleep deprived before the baby is even here!


  1. What pediatrician did you choose?

  2. i dont know much about him, his name is Dr. Kim, he works in the same office as my sister in laws Dr but she wasnt taking new clients. but she said that she had seen him before and really liked him.
