This picture has nothing to do with this blog, it was taken when she was about 4 weeks old and I don't think I ever posted it. This is probably one of my favorite pictures. Sleeping in mama's arms. :)

Cousins - Harlow and Amelia
Notice the opposite expressions on their faces, its hilarious!

This was her good morning picture to daddy the first day he was gone.

In all of my years of life, my dad has never set foot in a mall with me, or done any type of shopping with me. But the other day he offered to take me and the baby shopping at the mall! Any excuse to spend time with the baby. This is one of the outfits that he bought her.

Papa rick with Harlow and Amelia

Me and Andrea at Meridith's graduation party.

I know everyone says that their baby is the cutest baby in the world but mine really is!

Juan moved back home!

Meridith and baby Harlow at her graduation

the whole gang together again!

Ali and Harlow at Mer's graduation ceremony

watching Meridith graduate

not watching Meridith graduate, haha

I took a break in my "maternity leave" to come home and work while the Barrier Breaker team traveled over to the Dominican Republic to do some outreach and missions work for 2 weeks. Before I had Harlow, we had planned that while they were gone, I would come home and work to make sure everything was running smoothly and to lock up and sub for some of the coaches. But man! what did I know about going back to work when you have a 7 week old?! I guess it's better to just assume you can do something than to stress about it. I think that because I didn't realize how hard it would be to take care of a baby on my own and work for 2 weeks - it made me have that "can do attitude". I think its because, its too late to change my mind, I have no other choice now. So with Pete in Washington working, and me and baby Harlow here; this last week has been rather interesting. "Interesting" being the most positive way I can put it. haha.
I definitely under-estimated myself. I'm starting to see that I'm a lot more capable of doing things than I thought I was. But maybe that's just part of being a mom. It's eye-opening for sure, who knew the funny stuff you'd do for you kid.
Anyway, my days consist of waking up with Harlow around 5:30 am or 6:00 am to feed, then by the time she's done eating, there really is no point in me going back to sleep so I get ready for the day and do any chores around the house that need to get done while she goes back to sleep. By the time I'm done with everything, its time for her to eat again. We try and get out of the house to do something, Starbucks run, bank, target, whatever errands I have, just so it breaks up my day of going from home to work again and again. Then before I have to be at work in the afternoon, I take Harlow to my parents house so they can watch her. I usually work from 4-8 pm. They generously offered to bring her to me at work at the end of my work day (with dinner) and then it's home we go. She eats, then I eat, then I shower while she naps and then we hang out and watch some TV together and then it's bath-time and bedtime. I'm just glad she has started sleeping for larger blocks of time or I would be the walking dead at work. I don't know what I would do without my parents help either.
We've actually had a pretty eventful first week home. As soon as we got here we went to Meridith's graduation to get her Masters and then Mer's graduation party and I went to Kristina's bridal shower, saw friends that were in town for all of the festivities and visited family who were missing the baby :)
It hasnt been as hard as I had imagined, but it is hard! It sure makes me appreciate Pete's help so much more! Now we're counting down the days we can go back to Washington and be with Daddy again. We miss him!
sounds like you've had your hands full! I counted down the hours til Scott got home from work so I could have a break and time to take a shower within the first weeks of Trents birth lol...cant imagine going a few WEEKS without Scotts help! Sounds like you are doing great though, Harlow is adorable!
ReplyDeletehaha Megan, I do the same thing when we are with Pete. I cant wait until we are all back together so I can take a shower without a baby sitting in a swing in the bathroom with me. haha.