Monday, February 6, 2012

22 Months Old

"No one else will ever know the strength of my LOVE for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my HEART sounds like from the inside." -Author unknown

I'd say that I'm usually the "dust yourself off and get back up" kind of mom, or "buck up cupcake" kind of mom, or "there's no crying in baseball" kind of mom. I'm a big believer in learning hands on, as in falling down and getting back up. Maybe a little bit of tough love...? But lately, I've been mushy and over-protective. What is up with that? I've noticed more recently that when Harlow is upset, I'm upset. When she's mad, I have to know and understand why she is mad. When her feelings are hurt, I don't want her to hurt. You get the idea. I think it might have a little to do with the fact that lately she has been more vocal about those sorts of things. And she is now capable of telling me what is wrong. Before I just used my mothering instincts to figure it out. I knew all the different cries she had. But now, she tells me! IN WORDS! And sometimes it breaks me a little when she is so upset. Not because I'm her big defender and protector but because I can HEAR it in her voice and words that she's upset. What will I do when she's 16 (or preferably 30) with her first broken heart? I won't be able to help her, I'll be a crying on the floor alongside her. I guess we better start stocking up on frosting and ice cream now...

Since Harlow can speak her mind so well now, it is exciting to hear her use ALL of the words she knows in different sentences. Before she would only use the words she knew in the context she knew. As in, "milk": I want milk. Now she can make up so many new sentences with those words. It's fun to see what she will come up with. For example, Harlow refers to cousin Amelia as her best friend. And one day as I was getting her up from her nap she leaned over to give me a hug and said "mommy my best friend". It was so good to hear, made me get a little teary eyed actually. Probably the best words to come out of her mouth in her 22 months of life! My brother and my sister-in-law gifted me a journal called "My Quotable Kid". That one was a keeper and immediately got recorded in the book.

Her newest words/sentences:
-Where's the moon?
-I see a star
- Snow
- I fly airplane
- Perfect
- Lady GaGa
- Flash cards
- You come too
-Dance mama
- Fist pump
- Baby Bennett cries
- I hold baby Bennett
- Nothing there
- It's empty
- Hey guys
- Watch me guys
- I have pretty dress
- Let me check
- You ok mom?
- What's wrong?
- What's the matter?
- Let me see
- I have owie
- Where's my juice?
- I can't find it
- I can't see
- Grandpa rides horsie
- She can sing the entire ABC's
- Where's my phone?
- Stroller
- Mommy my best friend
- I watch TV
- Tangled
- I have fun
- Where is it?
- Here you go
- Throw in trash
- That's my song
- I can't get it
- Go Dogs!
- Goliath
- Candy store
- I buy some
- Donkey
- Hey mom
- I'm so excited
- I can't wait
- No way (her newest expressions for EVERYTHING!)
- I stand right here
- She can sing "The Wheels on the Bus"
- She can sing "Ring Around the Rosies"
- And Monkey's jumping on the bed
- Do a flip
- Have a good day
- See you next week
- That's a big yawn
- I get down
- Oh no
- Whoa
- Follow me

Lately she has been really into imitating. I fold my arms, she folds her. I tap the table with my fingers, so does she. I rest my head on my hands, so does she. She has also been singing up a storm. All of the songs that they do in her tumble class, she comes home and sings all day long. And she is BIG on pretend. She pretends to feed her baby, or goes shopping in my closet, or cooks in her kitchen, dances in her pretty dresses and pretends to read. I love it all! Her little imagination is working in overtime these days!

Check out her 22 month photos:

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