Saturday, April 24, 2010


Who knew I'd love being a mommy so much. Sure there are times when I just cant wait for Pete to get home from work so he can quiet her fussyness so that I can take a bathroom break, shower break, food break, sanity break, whatever. But then when I do, I feel guilty. and when I sit and eat and watch him hold her, I want to be holding her. I'm a crazy mess.

That was probably the fastest 3 weeks of my life. And she has already changed SO much!
First she lost her little bellybutton stump.
That meant she got to take her first real bath (so cute! she loves bathtime)
and she went through her first little growth spurt. she was eating like every hour for a few days.
Her eyes are open more
she makes cute little noises now instead of just cries.
she can follow our face with her eyes.
she opens her eyes when she hears our voices.
and she has finally decided that its ok to keep the pacifier in her mouth. (yes, i am a pacifier mom. dont hate me. i only give it to her when shes really fussy or screaming, it seems to comfort her)
shes taken her first shopping outing with me to Forever 21 and Baby Gap. she loved it, she really must be my kid. by loved, i mean she slept the whole time. haha. better than crying though right?
she loves to sleep in her car seat. the car puts her to sleep. but i think she has a 6th sense for when we pull into the garage, she wakes right up!
but she doesnt love being put in her carseat.
she is a peeing and pooping machine! no sooner have I cleaned a pee diaper, 5 minutes later I'm cleaning a poopie diaper. I guess I should embrace it and look at it this way, it must means shes getting enough to eat and shes healthy.

I came across a few things that I read online through friends and I thought I'd share them because I loved them so much.

"I traded eyeliner for dark circles, salon haircuts for ponytails, designer jeans for sweat pants, long showers for hairy legs, late nights out for early mornings, designer purses for diaper bags, and I wouldnt change a thing back because I LOVE MY BABY!"


I came across this while i was pregnant and really loved reading it, but today a friend sent it to me and i re-read it. This time i saw it in a totally different light. Thank you Gina for the great reminder!

In a week, we are packing up and moving to Washington for the summer. Pete's job is taking us to the Tacoma/Seattle area. Usually I stay behind and work but with a new baby this summer, we thought it was better that I came too. Before baby was born it seemed like it would be a piece of cake to take a baby on a 14 hour road trip to washington. NOW! FREAKING OUT! There is seriously so much stuff to pack and no time to do it. I made Pete promise to stay home on Sunday so he could watch her while I packed up and much as I could in one afternoon. At least its not a permanent move but still, i'm not a light traveler and neither is baby! I think we are a little crazy for thinking we could do this. its not going to be a piece of cake!

uh oh, baby is awake! I'll upload pictures later.

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