Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God, are you there? It's me, Harlow...

This picture has nothing to do with this post.
Just couldn't resist sharing what a cutie she is! :)

I wanted to write down a conversation that I overheard at the store a couple of weeks ago because it was so GREAT!

I was inside Crafters Palace, or known also as the Palace Courtyard. I was walking around with Harlow who was grabbing at every bow on the racks. There was a mom and son walking close by. The Mom pointed out the Mexican flag in one of the booths. Her son immediately said, "Mom, is God Mexican?"

There was complete silence for at least a second. And then I couldn't hold back my laughter. Not to laugh AT him, but because it was such a cute and inquisitive question. What a smarty pants to even think to ask that!

The Mom made eye contact with me and smiled. I think she needed a few seconds to get her thoughts together. But she had the greatest answer.

She said, "God is not Mexican, God is a little of everything." Such a great answer to a question most wouldn't know how to respond to. Go mom!

There is a little more to the story though, and that part is just funny.

The son then asked, "Does God speak Greek?"

After that I had to walk away. This conversation was a good reminder that someday Harlow is going to ask me hard questions that I will have to know the answer to, or at least give an answer with enough truth to it that she understands the answer. So I had to file this one away in my memory for a later date.

I wonder what other questions I'll need to be prepared for...

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