Sunday, March 13, 2011

11 Months Old

She has a fake laugh that she does just to get us to laugh.

She can pull herself up on furniture, etc. and walk along the edges.

She has become more vocal about what she wants and doesn't want.

She can walk with help while only holding one of our hands.

She walks with her walker so FAST!

She claps her hands when we sing Patty Cake, Patty Cake.

When you ask her how old she is going to be, she immediately holds up one finger.

She sometimes lets go of the sides of furniture while she is standing.

She has stood up in our bed with no hands for a second or two before falling down.

In the morning she points at her bottle and will sometimes sign "milk" with her hands.

She has figured out the idea of going around or under things.

She LOVES real food. Anything I eat, she wants. And I mean, ANYTHING!

We have been trying to give her a sippy cup but she won't have any of that! (If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them!)

When you say, "splash splash" she'll splash her hands in the water.

When you say, "kick kick" she'll kick her legs in the water.

She has started pushing buttons on her own.

She is [] standing up from a sitting position.

This girl is a dancer! She loves to rock to the beat of a good song.

I blast Michael Jackson in the car and she loves to wave her arms around to the song.

I am in LOVE with the picture above.
Her smile is the best thing in the world.
What would I do without it?

Party planning is underway.
Her first birthday is right around the corner.
I can't wait to celebrate.
I've had a whole year with the best baby in the world!
Love you Harlow Emi!

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